This method isn’t a quick fix or a solution it’s a mindset that takes you through incredible changes creating a rhythm of balanced hormones, better digestion, and improved metabolism all catalysts in shedding those pounds and burning that fat!

So, life happened to you, and adulting, managing careers, and having babies took over the little mental bandwidth you had to take care of yourself!

Or wait, You chug a few pints of beer and a 4 cheese pizza with your BFFs across town every Saturday night and crash at her place only waking up to a hangover for months now!

No? I guess then you had a slightly messed up diet as you coped university… didn’t care about food for the first years to save up while starting off and with success and stability came stress and pressure to perform leading to countless cheeseburgers and timeless black coffees till one day you realized that you didn’t look or feel the same way anymore!

You haven’t been feeling yourself lately.. you are wired but tired … you bloat with bread, bell peppers and bananas give you a terrible cold and a little bit of cheese can give you the runs! It happened to me a couple of years ago…are you feeling it too?

How do you know this happened? Tell me what to do!

We often mistake weight gain as a few bad meals and too many calories. Sometimes we also say oh ill knock off those pounds with a 5k run every day. Well, you will….but if you don’t eat right …you won’t finish your run and if you do… recovery will not be appropriate as you won’t be well fueled. You would then be exhausted, turning to your favorite fries for instant energy and satiety and darn! There we go again!

So if you feel,
1. You eat well but don’t feel energetic enough to sustain a regular day
2. You’ve been working out quite vigorously but the fat doesn’t seem to budge!
3. You are eating well but still not feeling nourished enough and hence cant keep up!
4. You feel unwell and out of rhythm but your bloodwork and doctor say you are fine!
5. Your self-confidence is low because you don’t like what you see in the mirror and more importantly….how you feel about yourself!

You Know You could do better! I can help!

Weight gain is more often than not a side effect and/or result of various metabolic, digestive, and hormonal imbalances in the body that have been contributing to inflammation at various levels.

This is not something that results in a few days or weeks but is a compounding effect of months and years of food and lifestyle choices- some intentional and other accidental!

12 weeks into this incredible program and you have:

1X60 min Consult

6- 45min biweekly follow-ups monitoring progress through a reassessment of symptoms and inflammation levels and biomedical markers

5X30 min check-ins over the phone/video to answer queries or questions.

4 customized meal plans across the program with grocery lists and a meal prep guide

A Food- Mood Symptom Assessment

Access to superior quality naturopath recommended supplements at very affordable prices delivered to you.

Sustainable Lifestyle recommendations that suit the client’s routine and family.

A customized self-care plan and meal support Kit …because we want you to be the leader of your journey.


At the end of 12 weeks, you will have,

  1. Improved hormone balance and a digestive reset
  2. Improved energy, productivity, and control of your cravings
  3. Reduced Inflammation and lesser allergies and triggers
  4. Your happy weight isn’t a dream anymore, because you are loving every bit of what you see in the mirror.
  5. Your body is beginning to achieve its balance and so are you.

Imagine If you would not have to worry about relishing local food on a holiday,

You can bounce back into a routine as easily as now.

You are not hassled by a few busy days at work as you know you can pull it off by eating smartly and managing your time and work.

You aren’t conscious of enjoying a dessert once in a while, you like your wine too and you can have it!!


I have been there too! Now, I enjoy my coffee and my wine sometimes. I have my cheese too once in a while but with support and care for my body’s actual needs.

My body takes care of my heart as it is aware that it’s being taken care of on all levels of mind, body and spirit!

I look forward to understanding your goals. Schedule a discovery call to work with me.