October 7, 2021

When Prevention Is the Cure

My client came to me for sustaining weight loss and liver support after being diagnosed with a fatty liver. He was experiencing passive chronic stress due to resettling in a new country and moving homes while managing a job that required traveling during the pandemic. He was aware that he had to lose another 10 pounds at the very least to improve his liver and support his metabolism which in turn would help him sleep better, manage his stress, and reduce the bloating.

Our Approach

In consultation, we realized his cooking skills were limited and the gyms were closed for him to work out in the Canadian Winter. Managing his stress levels was a crucial key to supporting his condition.

  • We started the process by guiding him through liver-supporting foods to help him understand what he needed to accommodate in his diet as a sustainable long-term practice to support his liver and improve its function.

  • Alongside, we introduced some lifestyle modifications like breathing techniques, journaling, sound therapy, and in home activities that would allow him to create dedicated times for movement and thereby not let the winter depression set in.

  • Providing him with meal planning guides and recipes drew his interest into cooking and he started learning it with more enthusiasm only adding to his skills and recipe bank even more.


What next, few months into the program, he was down by 7 pounds and had gotten rid of his bloating. He began sleeping better with regular hours and began exercising with his buddies via zoom initially and then outdoors once the weather permitted.

One year later, he has been able to maintain his happy weight, looks leaner than before, and eats way more than what he did since college!

He is  happy from within… that shows outside.

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