“It’s a low carb- high protein, no its raw foods. No! It’s Keto!”
“She’s gone off carbs and lost 10 pounds!”
“He’s been lifting heavy 6 days a week and with that meal replacer- just look at him!”
There are several thousand iterations of these diets outside that practitioners and health enthusiasts are following, promoting, and supporting!
It’s commendable how health and fitness over the years have fostered a culture and an ever-growing and evolving community that is constantly striving to make the world a healthier place to live in!
Most of the time in these diets/food cultures and programmed movements we tend to bypass the very existence of food. That it is meant to be more than a tool of existence.
Let’s get back to the basics then!
What Is Food?
It is fuel for the body to produce energy to execute everyday activities.
It is nourishment for the vital organs to keep your senses and sustenance.
It is integral to communities for bonding with others, it’s an expression of emotion, and most importantly, the fundamental building block of the incredible system our body performs each day to support our existence.
In the wise words of Hippocrates. FOOD IS THY MEDICINE! Why ration the incredible value each food has when we can achieve our health goals by adding them in abundance to our lives – the right way and the right time.
I often come across clients struggling to achieve their weight loss goals. I realized through various conversations that what we most lacked in our efforts was respect for our foods. We often tag them in various brackets and limit ourselves without knowing the true value every food holds and its positive contribution to our daily lives.
So here are a few words that I keep in my weight loss protocols that drive you to the destination far easier. I like to call it:
The Weight Loss Balanced Mindset
#1 Appreci-ate
Yes! It’s important to appreciate every single morsel of food that goes into your tummy! When I say that, nowhere do I mean gorge on stuffed donuts all day! I just mean accepting what’s on your plate wholeheartedly, which allows for better digestion and absorption of nutrients in your body. It also allows your body to be at peace when having your meals, thus letting your digestive juices do the work then and avoid trouble later!
#2 Value Over $$

Who doesn’t like a great deal on produce? It isn’t always possible to have a farmers market in your neighbourhood and I know that we are all bootstrapped on month ends! This is normal and it’s only fair to get the best value for your dollar! What’s important is to not undervalue the vitality of the food in trying to get the best discounts. We all should aim at creating a balance between the good quality products that demand a certain price to what could be saved.
I don’t have a salmon every day either, but a couple of times a week is worth it for my Omega3s.
#3 Loose Grip Over Guilt
“Your next meal is the best time to make a better choice,” says Daniel Omar, R.D.

We cannot be hard on ourselves because I had an extra bite of cheese or a cookie. Yes, we all fall off the trail once in a while, give in to our cravings, and indulge. Does that mean all our efforts before that have been wasted?
#4 No Way!!
Skipping your meals or eating less because something didn’t work out for your previous meal will do more harm than good to your body in the long run! Just because you had to drive longer today and spent more fuel, you don’t miss work the next day to save travel right? Then why skip a meal?
#5 COMMIT don’t QUIT

A sustainable plan is a lifestyle choice, a mindset that comes with its own rules and principles. Like anything else in life that you commit to, your health and food choices shouldn’t be treated differently. Your good health is a result of everyday hard work and efforts. Some days will be good and some won’t. You might feel bad about it too! But at the end of it, you pick yourself up, plan it better and start afresh. Just like a new day, every day!
#6 Aim at Health Not a Number
I just cannot say this enough! We need to stop fretting about numbers and start focusing on ourselves, listening to our bodies, and observing what it requires. All of these are only possible when we choose to look beyond the scale, stop fearing food, and start valuing the nutrients they provide us.
If you resonate with this mindset and believe we can work together to reach your happy health goals, get in touch!