
Weight loss and health shouldn’t be a struggle or challenge…it’s as important as every breath you take.

Our Approach

The practice is based on supporting and guiding you to reach your goals with a happy and content feeling. I meet my clients at the point they are in their life. At GC wholistic we, have programs for individuals who are at any stage in life and want to reach their happy weight and health goals through a holistic process! Weight loss and health shouldn’t be a struggle or challenge…it’s as important as every breath you take.


This program focusses on a symptom based approach to addressing the root cause of your weight issues and working towards reducing them through whole foods and natural protocols.


This is a customized protocol designed around a framework that focusses on reducing inflammation and supporting liver function to improve metabolism and kickstart the journey to your happy weight.


A meal support program that dives right inside the world of clean eating without the overwhelm. We hold your hand and walk you through the initial steps of understanding food combining, how to make your choices and recipes to make it fun!

It’s only natural that you have questions!

I’ve done this before and it comes back. Are these results sustainable ?2021-10-15T17:20:44+05:30

Holistic nutrition approaches your health concerns by addressing inflammation and imbalances at hormonal and digestive levels. These are achieved with lifestyle modifications and small everyday routines and rituals that support and nourish your body at the root level. Since we focus on practices that are sustainable for an individual, the results and benefits are as sustainable as all your daily habits and routines that are crucial to your and your family’s wellbeing.

How Do I Know I Have Reached My Happy Weight?2021-10-15T17:23:25+05:30

Clothes fit better, you are more energetic and productive and your digestive system is supporting your food habits – that’s when you know you are close to your weight goals.

Weight is not just the cause but also the effect of imbalances and sub-optimal functioning in our bodies. Weight loss or weight gain is the human body’s way of responding to something unusual that the body is not able to repair and protect. The better the balance, the happier the weight!

I Can Barely Cook. Will I Still Be Able To Follow The Programs?2021-10-03T12:29:52+05:30

Of course you can! The programs and meal plans are customized to each client’s nutritional and lifestyle needs. We believe that a habit is sustainable when it is doable and we focus on practicing and fostering habits that stay with you in order to achieve your long term health goals.

How Can A Holistic Nutritionist Help?2021-10-03T12:28:20+05:30

A Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) is a certified practitioner addressing your health concerns through the inter-relationship of mind, body & spirit. Through the consultations, we address each client as a unique nutritional need and through the support of whole foods, non-toxic lifestyle practices and supplementation where necessary we work together to achieve the health goals.


I look forward to understanding your goals. Schedule a discovery call to work with me.

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