October 7, 2021

Post-partum Weight Lost…and She Found Herself!

She had it all exactly the way she imagined with having her boy even after 35! But eight months down, and she couldn’t take the weight off the belly! She soon realized it wasn’t going to be all that easy especially with a full-time job, and reached out to me for her abdominal weight and concerns of constipation and morning fatigue.

Our Approach

Through our consults and symptom assessments, we inferred that her hormonal imbalance post-childbirth was amplified with her stress and poor nutrition while she juggled it all together. This resulted in her symptoms and fatigue due to the constantly elevated cortisol that she carried in her system day in and day out. She had no time to unwind and focus on herself and when she did, she could barely think about the right food or habit. She was barely making it through.

  • Our biggest challenge here was her schedule. It left her with next to no time to prep her meals. It became imperative for us to design a meal plan in a way that supported her nutrient requirement, fiber intake while keeping enough room for all those quick-fix meals, take-outs, and microwave foods, all while being mindful that she was cooking for the family too.

  • We introduced her to easy meals that take no more than 10- 15 mins and she could make them in bulk and store them for saving time on workdays. We also focused on no-cook breakfasts for her and indulged in pro-metabolic and blood sugar-balancing foods to support her energy levels. Since she was still nursing, we also supported her plan with herbs and supplements that improve lactation, favoring weight loss.

  • As her diet improved and she began implementing stress management techniques like journaling and balancing her sacral chakra through certain guided meditations and rituals which she could do even a few times a week for a couple of minutes, we noticed significant improvements.


Her hormones were getting in control, her energy levels were better and she was relieved of chronic constipation. With the addition of calming teas and supplements to manage her cortisol and not interfering with her nursing requirements, she began sleeping better and was more positive and energetic throughout the day.

The protocols and meal plans allowed her to shed 11 pounds, and feel like herself again.

Happy Weight Happy Her!

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