October 5, 2021

Lost Weight & Gained the Right Mindset

V (Name withheld for privacy) came to me for weight loss and irregular menstrual cycles. She’d been living away from family for a while now and the work from home culture just added to her anxiety and solitude that caved into binge eating and drinking. After a few months of going on and off workouts and diet plans, she came to me with food intolerances and complete dependence on caffeine to get past her low energy and mood swings.

Our Approach

Through complete hormone assessment and symptom analysis, we discovered that V’s constant state of stress and anxiety was the root cause of her weight gain and irregular periods. Her symptom assessment and food logs reflected constant blood sugar imbalances and circulating toxicity as chronic stress affected her gut and liver as well.

  • We initiated a lifestyle assessment for V in the first sessions where we evaluated her schedules and cooking skills and designed a basic health plan that included foods of her choice with a meal prep guide to support her nutrient and liver requirements.

  • We took into account her allergies and triggers to avoid certain foods only to reintroduce them later when her system is cleansed and more acceptable to foods.


Through customized meal plans that adjusted themselves to her work-life schedule and were comfortable to execute every day keeping in mind her cooking skills, we initiated the weight loss process in a couple of weeks despite her hectic work schedule.

Her menstrual cycles were getting better and less painful too. Through supplements and lifestyle recommendations we supported her liver and improved her digestion reducing the overall stress on her body. We also managed to keep the mood swings at bay and V was able to shed off several pounds through the program inching to her happy weight!

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