Food And You

One cannot think well, sleep well or love well if one doesn’t eat well!

This incredible 4-week program is a perfect guide for someone who is looking to embark on a journey of clean eating truly to their body’s requirements without the overwhelm of how, when, and where.

This program is for you if:

  1. You are working with a health concern and require a particular food/meal plan to follow.
  3. You are motivated to try clean eating but are lost in the aisles of the health food store.
  4. You are too busy to cook or lack the skills and fear smoothies and salads as the DIET- FOOD

THE Food & You program is not here to teach you a diet but to teach you how to DO-IT !

Here, we spend 4 weeks together to assess your health needs and your kitchen requirements to revive your relationship with food.

What you will get :

  1. 1-hour long introductory session understanding your food habits
  2. 3X45 min weekly follow up sessions for accountability
  3. A  customized 7-day meal plan with recipes to suit your requirements
  4. A food habit interview assesses where you are at in your calorie/choice/skills with food to plan a customised health guide for your needs.
  5. We guide you through pantry staples where we focus on bridging the gap between your food choices and your body’s needs
  6. 6 detailed meal prep guide to make time in the kitchen fly by
  7. A grocery shopping guide on where to pick your foods …because we value every dollar you spend for yourself.
  8. Recipe bundles and food combining guide…so you can make your own decisions.

BONUS: We understand that every day is not the same, so we give you an EAT OUT GUIDE on what you can pick when on the go…or when you want to have a good time.

This program is for individuals who are at the very beginning of their health journey, are fearful of the diet culture, and require support in being independent and responsible for their eating habits.

By the end of 4 weeks you will:

  1. Be able to shop for grocery/ pantry staples with proper information and label reading technique
  2. Will have a fair idea of how and what goes into making a simple and healthy meal without much know-how.
  3. Be able to achieve a healthier approach to your food habits with a better understanding of ingredients and produce with its benefits.
  4. Better energy, productivity, and improved mental wellbeing as your nourishment is taken care of.

This program is designed for you if:

  1. You are willing to transform your life and achieve your health goals one step at a time.
  2. You want to focus on eating well and understanding the importance of nourishing your body the right way.
  3. You want to achieve better results in the kitchen and not burn out your adrenals stressing about food.
  4. You are wanting to bring about a change but are yet not prepared to make a big investment fearing you may not be able to sustain it.


I look forward to understanding your goals. Schedule a discovery call to work with me.